But what seemed like a big victory for opponents of bilingual education evaporated when a reporting error was found to have inflated the scores of non-English-speaking students.
Rye High School was listed as 703rd, but insists that there was a reporting error, and that its rightful place is 85.
In a subsequent interview with his local paper, Independent Tribune, Hartsell stated that he was working to rectify the reporting errors by hiring a professional treasurer.
Dr. McClellan, the Medicare official, acknowledged that the drug price data submitted by drug card sponsors included "many obvious reporting errors."
Blair achieved nationwide notoriety as a journalist at the Times for serious reporting errors, fabrication of facts, and plagiarism.
Government spokesmen characterized the earlier tally as an unfortunate administrative reporting error.
Articles about the reporting errors in the New York Times article were published by the Washington Post and other international publications.
The reporting errors WERE the story for many hours last Friday/Saturday.
Mr. Campbell said he had "no answer" for why the ethics office had not caught the apparent reporting errors in its review of Mr. Gray's finances.
The government's own Center for Disease Control discovered serious reporting errors when quality verification samples were posted to a number of laboratories as an experiment.