When a speed-addicted Scottish reporter publishes an article about evil public figures, someone obligingly treats it as a hit list.
The reporter, Judith Miller, published no articles about the agent, Valerie Plame.
For example, she argues that if a reporter publishes less than flattering details of a rape victim's personal life those details are immediately used against her.
During the 1980s Miskiw worked as a reporter for tabloid papers published by the Mirror Group.
The city simply has no more right telling cable television systems which channels to offer than it does instructing newspapers which reporters or editorial commentators to publish.
Although the reporter did not publish an article on the subject, he did alert authorities in the capital, who ordered an inquiry.
The Magnet failed to attract after about forty-eight hours, for a keen-witted reporter discovered her methods and promptly published them.
In October 2003, the reporters published their findings in a series of articles in The Blade (Toledo).
When Senator Kennedy became drunk on a plane ride home from Alaska, the reporters with him did not publish stories about it.
The reporter then publishes this in the newspaper.