Because it confirmed what reporters, editors and readers already believed.
Western reporters confirmed that Serbian forces had begun withdrawing from around Gorazde, which has been bombarded almost daily for four months.
But if the release reported earnings of 20 cents, a reporter would confirm the accuracy of the release with the company.
Encourage reporters to confirm the accuracy of articles with sources before publication and to solicit feedback from sources after publication.
Soviet reporters who have traveled elsewhere in the republic in the last week confirmed that almost everywhere the front is tied to the local government.
The prosecutors want the reporters to confirm in court that Ms. Stewart made the comments they quoted her as making.
However, he contradicted himself by saying the fighting was still ongoing, and no reporters who were in the area or other independent sources confirmed the claim.
The reporters confirmed that fighting had ceased throughout the areas they toured though they did not enter the western portion.
A reporter who visited the office of the anti-abortion group confirmed that the bar association faction had its headquarters there.
But there was one requirement from the outset: working reporters could not use that channel as a way to go find new stories or confirm stories.