The other reporters chased after him.
Frank has by far and away the better team in the New York metropolitan area, even if reporters and the paparazzi are two bridges and a long ride away to the east, chasing Lawrence of Long Island.
Every reporter is chasing a scoop, racing a daily deadline - everyone except Ms. Logan.
The reporters chased Max around the Cherokee as he threw the damp climbing ropes into the back and then got into the driver's seat, repeating the same questions while he shook his head and said, "No comment."
Local reporters have chased her down the street, she says, and have even tried to interview her children and their playmates.
For more than a year, reporters have chased yachts, climbed mountains, cased apartment buildings and flown halfway round the world to try to find him, but former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari of Mexico has been hard to find.
"A reporter is chasing the story."
As reporters chased him at the airport here with questions about Mr. North's conduct in the Iran-contra affair and subsequent investigations, Mr. Dole did concede one thing: "Well, I know there are a lot of allegations," he muttered.
He made the reporters chase downstairs to the public phone booths in order to file their preliminary stories about the crime.
"Now we have flipped it around to where reporters are chasing the pictures, trying to create some context for what viewers are seeing."