The reporter showed up, but didn't believe her story, because the baby looked like a normal human being.
Some reporters believed that his experiences in the army had given him a nervous temperament.
The mutual dependence is so great that reporters and members of Congress alike believe the stormy weather will soon clear.
So, the reporters, and 36 major news organizations don't believe a crime has been committed.
Many reporters believe that the government routinely exaggerates the need for secrecy.
Even if the reporters believed him, and it was clear to me that they didn't, they would never find an editor willing to run the story.
Although these shouting matches occasionally produce useful information, few reporters believe they are a good way of finding out what the President thinks.
"And the jury understood that no responsible reporter would believe they could break into a place to get a story."
The reporter who wrote it didn't believe it himself.
It is not clear whether the editors received specific orders to stop the print run, although the reporter at the newspaper did not believe so.