The report verifies that with respect to former president Hanley, the former general officers and the current general officers, there is no organized crime problem.
In the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area, officials could not print reports to verify that voting machines were secure and did not already have votes in them.
I am confident that the report of the Department of Investigation will verify that I did not abuse my public office in any way.
Some users reported problems with removing their listings, and some independent reports verified that the removal process was "spotty."
Cunningham's reports verified that the region was suitable for grazing, and the settlement of the Limestone Plains followed immediately thereafter.
He said, "I've a theory which explains what has been going on here and the report should verify it.
Initial reports in the Marion newspaper could not verify that suspect Everett Bridgewater had also been arrested.
This report verifies the presence of the active SVS-OH metabolite in the mouse serum yet failed to demonstrate any beneficial effect on bone.
Follow-up reports have verified that substantial progress has been made towards righting decades of incompetence, cruelty and malfeasance.
It's kind of the problem with modern journalism (report first, verify later [and later never comes]) and I don't want to see Ars fall into the same pit.