As the reports trickled in, their view turned and turned. . .and the landscape grew.
Even four days after the earthquake, reports of destruction in isolated areas trickled in.
But reports of civilian casualties and injuries have trickled in too.
Five days after the earthquake, measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale, officials said reports of damage and deaths were still trickling in from remote areas.
Troubling reports have been trickling out of here since last Tuesday, but all the roads and bridges into the area had been destroyed or damaged.
After the hurricane struck, reports of the sinking trickled in.
Initially, credit market analysts responded positively as the reports trickled in.
ONCE again, the reports of starvation are trickling in from parts of Africa.
The cases are in a state of constant flux because reports trickle in for weeks, months, after the case has been initially entered.
As it became apparent late Thursday that the accident had still not been brought under control, more reports of radiation-related injuries trickled in.