The report was the first major indicator of business conditions in early 1989 and tended to undermine the belief that the economy is slowing.
In practice, published financial reports tend to adopt more than one of these views simultaneously.
The annual report has now become available, and tends to take some of the sheen off the initial interpretation.
But today's report tended to put such worries to rest, at least for the time being.
These reports tend to be quite long, with descriptions of the controls in place.
Historical reports from the time period tend to conflict, depending on which nationality of historian was writing the report.
Today's report tends to include the first test but says less about the second.
As a result, their reports tended to be brief and scanty of detail.
On the whole, however, these reports tend in the right direction.
That report tends to be ignored because it is late, voluminous and complicated.