The same client reported smelling something burning upon the termination of the procedure.
They later reported smelling a strange scent while inside Dahmer's apartment, but did not investigate it.
The officers later reported smelling a strange odor, which was eventually found to be bodies in the back of his room.
After one crew member reported smelling burning rubber, they looked for a fire.
On June 8, a meter reader reported smelling gas, and a crew was sent to check for leaks.
In those three hours, workers and residents in the area reported smelling fumes.
Residents reported smelling gas before the explosion, but the authorities said the cause was not determined.
While Juvenile was recording music at a house there, a neighbor called police to report smelling marijuana smoke.
Those with strong social ties tended to have similar reactions to the supposed gas, which only one unaffected woman reported smelling.
During the days prior to the explosion, some residents reported smelling natural gas in the area.