Since the mid-1980s, Vietnam has enjoyed substantial economic growth and some reduction in political repression, though reports of corruption have also risen.
While the reports rose 12 percent in 1996, to 10,168, they are still 4 percent below the level set in 1994.
The official was unable to provide figures but said such reports often rose when greater attention is focused on the possibility of terrorism.
But reports of drug activity phoned into the 81st Precinct by the public have risen by 40 percent for the same period.
Those reports have risen steadily, to 89 in the 1990's from 5 in the 1960's.
No one is sure why reports of such racial incidents have risen lately.
Prices were pushed higher by rumors late in the session that a weekly report on initial unemployment claims would rise to a record high.
The measure comes as reports of school violence are rising.
The total national bill for child-care services reached $15.5 billion in 1987, the report said, and, according to Congressional figures, is still rising.
The report rose to the top of several bestseller lists.