But the report chided those executives for failing to send a clear signal to employees that inaccurate and improper financial reporting would not be tolerated.
The report chided Turkey for its human rights situation, prison conditions and the continued influence of the military over its government.
One report chided:
The report also chided controllers for using excessive profanity in the control room, saying controllers directing traffic could be distracted.
The report also chided all of the countries, except Colombia, for failing to send it weekly figures on disease occurrences.
The report chided them for a "lack of responsibility and self-control."
The report also chided Harlem Hospital for failing to monitor Columbia's use of funds and for being oblivious to the abuses.
The report chided Japan for lack of progress in many areas of economic policy, including overregulation of many industries.
The debate over a new women's health specialty comes amid a flurry of attention to women's health needs starting two years ago, when a Congressional report chided the National Institutes of Health for allowing women to be excluded from new drug trials.
The report chided the ministry for accepting the word of policemen after such charges.