The report will probably not assign blame to senior American officers in Iraq, defense officials said.
The grand jury can indict but cannot otherwise criticize private citizens, so the report will not assign blame to Miss Brawley, her family or their advisers.
Classified, internal reports by the Canadian Project Magnet in 1952 and 1953 also assigned high probability to extraterrestrial origins.
In fact, Mr. Goldstone's reports have always assigned a major role in the violence to police abuses.
As part of the grading system, the report assigned a fare value to each line, based on its performance.
However, a report by the Rembrandt Research Project in 1989 assigned it to the "circle" of the Dutch master.
To protect the privacy of the prisoners, the report assigns them numbers and does not disclose their identity.
A preliminary report on the irregularities was made at the special board meeting on Tuesday, but did not assign any blame.
The full report is classified, and does not assign specific blame.
An Ofsted report, following an October 2010 inspection, rated the school's services against specific criteria and assigned an overall quality rating of Grade 1 (outstanding).