I replied pleasantly that, for me, the visitors' log was always the highlight of a visit.
Immediately lifting a telephone receiver, the concierge replied pleasantly, in her most professional tone, "What size dog?"
Perhaps not a good choice of words considering the shared suite, but Kate replied pleasantly, "You can count on him."
"I would have to say yes," Vornan replied pleasantly.
"Of course," Belchenko replied pleasantly as their eyes made split-second contact.
"I'm sure you'll find that out without my help," Bolan replied pleasantly.
"I am not surprised at your asking that question," I replied pleasantly.
For half an hour he was detained by questions, to all of which he replied pleasantly.
"And yet it is my duty to tell you," he replied pleasantly.
"I'm grateful there was a doctor in the house," Qwilleran replied pleasantly.