The replacement system remained unsatisfactory to the end of the war.
People who see flaws in the replacement system need to be very vocal about it to make sure it doesn't happen again.
But even folks buying replacement systems still have to deal with patches for 5 year old games don't they?
Making grandiose statements about what you'd like the replacement system to achieve is also easy.
But they could not reach agreement on a replacement system.
He eventually rounded up a replacement system and patched it in.
Well anyway this regiment was rebuilt as American regiments always are by the replacement system.
Azwai said that he would not be willing to discuss destruction until after a contract for a replacement system was signed.
Finally, we clearly need a replacement system for air travel, even once there is a single European sky.
They were originally established as a replacement system of government to the old Party apparatus, but only quickly became subordinate to it.