A glazier is facing the biggest challenge of his life - replacing thousands of windows shattered during the civil war in Croatia.
Computers are belatedly replacing thousands of clerical staff and middle managers.
As a first step, he has begun the reforestation project, which will replace hundreds of thousands of trees.
The federal government and state insurance commissioners developed 10 standard policies, to replace thousands then on the market.
Shirley replaced thousands of cymbal and drum hits with those used on previous recordings; the process took several days to complete.
"How was I going to replace hundreds of thousands of dollars of merchandise when the season was finished?"
Eastern would be able to replace thousands of ramp attendants at half the current $15-an-hour union wage.
That means replacing thousands of units in demolished single-room-occupancy hotels.
Nor can I believe it is economic to try to transfer them: a few hundred boats to replace thousands that were lost.
Never before had an industrial giant like Caterpillar tried to permanently replace thousands of union workers.