Schmaler noted that Holder moved swiftly to replace the ATF's management and instill reforms.
Indonesia has taken steps to clean up the company, replacing its top management and forcing it to run as a corporation instead of a government agency.
The shooting led to the unraveling of the North Carolina-based company, which since has replaced its management and changed its name to Xe Services.
In return, Mr. Schoenbaum put aside plans for a proxy fight to replace the restaurant company's management, at least until May 1, 1998.
Since July, when Columbia replaced its entire senior management following the raids, the company has been publicly stating its interest in cooperating with the inquiry.
But after Freddie Mac replaced its top management, it became clear from the severance pay that this was no ordinary government work.
But the court rejected a request to replace Thai Petrochemical's family-led management immediately, saying a meeting of all creditors and management must take place first.
VMS Realty Partners said it has cash-flow problems and would replace its top management.
Mr. Shapiro strongly recommended against appointing a trustee to replace Eastern's management.
As a result of Mr. Spitzer's action, the company has replaced its top management, halted illegal conduct, adopted reforms and promised to make restitution.