They are only found in some parts of rural North America, having been replaced in most areas by cellular service in the 1980s or later.
In recent years some paramilitary murals have been replaced, in both loyalist and republican areas, with less controversial images.
According to him, the term was replaced by "rusalka" in most areas, surviving into the 20th century only in the Russian North.
Some buildings skip floor 4 or replace the number with the letter "F", particularly in heavily Asian areas.
As for the Moscow embassy, he said, "We're going to replace an awful lot of equipment in sensitive areas."
The old tradition of a very early morning service before breakfast has been replaced in most areas by a service in the later morning.
This will replace strict limits on building in rural areas that have been in place since the 1940s.
These patterns may indicate which tree species will replace tanoak in diseased areas.
More consolidated schools replaced traditional one-room facilities in rural areas.
Before long the crude show halls began to be replaced by opulent theaters, especially in urban areas.