He talks a lot about pragmatism replacing ideology, but fails to recognize the essential ideological basis for his pragmatism, which was designed to create a pragmatic society where one does not now exist.
We get right down to the problem. . ." Bush replaces ideology with what might be called a cult of courtesy.
Pragmatism had replaced ideology, both for him and for the Government, he said.
I was, after all, an American with valuable insights into how our politicians had effectively drained Presidential campaigns of substance, replacing ideology with biography and principles with focus groups.
"I think that for intellectuals, politics has replaced ideology and to some extent religion," Mr. Paz said.
Pragmatism has replaced ideology in Chinese society and sports.
Twenty-seven countries have sprouted out of the former Soviet bloc, and ethnicity has replaced ideology as Europe's primary source of friction.
Culture would replace ideology as the fault line of future conflict, with the three-sided religious-cultural war among Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox and Muslims in Yugoslavia a prime example.
But it also affirms the warm kitchen comforts of ethnicity, at a time when identity politics have replaced ideology and - for one day at least - everyone wants to be Irish.
"We think science should replace ideology on how we deal with treatment in this country."