Banana fincas (plantations) replaced lowland forests.
In the Pliocene period some moved out onto the savannahs as grassland began to replace forests.
In some countries, there is little concern or regard for the rights of the local people when replacing natural forests with plantations.
Sisal farming initially caused environmental degradation, because sisal plantations replaced native forests, but is still considered less damaging than many types of farming.
When eucalyptus trees were introduced in California to replace lost forests, they created an urban fire hazard.
Wood products companies, he said, typically replace diverse natural forests with tree plantations, using one species of fast-growing tree.
On exposed, dry slopes at high elevations, subalpine white pine forests replace spruce-fir forests.
The sheep flourished on rocky hillsides, and as their numbers increased, bare land replaced forests, but this prosperity did not last.
Due to this process "wet sedge meadows, bogs, thermokarst ponds and lakes are replacing forests".
For example, replacing ancient woodlands or tropical forests with monoculture forests or plantations may improve the ecological footprint.