This lack of insight and concomitant lack of empathy often leads us to replace feelings with action - sometimes abusive action.
One self-hypnosis strategy, known as glove anesthesia, involves putting yourself in a trance, placing a hand over the painful area, imagining that the hand is relaxed, heavy, and numb, and envisioning these sensations as replacing other, painful feelings in the affected area.
In these ways, superficiality and surface appearances have replaced authenticity, emotional depth and true feelings.
A9 Latvians outlaw Communist Party; seek arrest of leader A9 A new admiration for the Soviets among Americans has replaced lingering feelings of mistrust.
A mechanical brain which replaced human feelings with pure logic was easy to deceive in that manner.
Lee Blessing has written a play about the power of words to control life and the failure of words to replace feelings.
Advice about ways to replace feelings of fear with feelings of love in daily life.
What we do not want is a concept of European citizenship that is seen as the artificial creation of a supranational identity that seeks to replace feelings of nationality.
Ways to replace feelings of fear with feelings of love in daily life.
A therapist helps the person avoid these triggers, and replace negative thoughts and feelings with ones that are healthier.