In its concentrated form, it is used to replace fats in the diet.
The benefits come when walnuts replace bad fats, like those in chips and cookies - and you don't increase your calorie count.
During the following tests, P&G noticed a decline in blood cholesterol levels as a side effect of olestra replacing natural dietary fats.
In a summary it goes on to say "there are no clear health benefits of replacing saturated fats with starchy foods".
In the 1980's, on scientists' advice, the industry replaced saturated fats like coconut oil and butter with oil containing trans fat.
And olive oil is a good thing to eat, especially if it is replacing unhealthy fats.
Sunflower oil is used as a source of unsaturated fat in the diet to replace saturated fats.
Some companies have replaced trans fats with saturated fat, which isn't healthy either.
Healthy oils, such as olive and canola, should replace solid fats like margarine.
Use oils to replace solid fats, like butter, where possible.