The Crown Majesta replaced the Celsior, despite objections from Japanese customers.
So, this spring we had to replace the ones we lost last year - despite a water shortage.
A depressing little room with faded wallpaper and a rug the management would not replace, despite the holes worn in it.
The coach stopped in office and Sergio Valdeolmillos replaced him, inadequate measure despite the visible improvement in play and attitude.
Saladin replaced the Hanafi courts with Shafi'i administration, despite a promise he would not interfere in the religious leadership of the city.
The City Council has decided to buy more rain-forest hardwood to replace a section, despite opposition from environmental groups.
As such they conclude there is little chance of thorium cycles replacing conventional uranium cycles in the current nuclear power market, despite the potential benefits.
Although the contractor that installed the meters would honor these requests, PG&E would eventually come out and replace them despite objections.
I intentionally didn't replace Minister Takenaka, despite a chorus of cries for his removal.
It's also not soldered to the logic board, so it's relatively easy to replace despite an "Authorized Service Provider Only" warning.