At the same time, there is no capital construction budget to speak of, and parents are increasingly being drawn into volunteer efforts to replace boilers and roofs.
The proposal is intended to encourage businesses to replace inefficient boilers with systems that make use of both the heat and the electrical power that they produce.
Many can't even finance must-do budget-busters like replacing deceased boilers, dilapidated roofs and temperamental elevators.
And it began replacing boilers, painting over graffiti and renovating apartments.
The truth is many people do not replace boilers that are over 20 years old, these are easy to repair and can go on for many more years.
- New scrappage scheme to help up to 125,000 homes replace inefficient boilers, and changes to be made to the climate change levy, company car tax and fuel benefit charge.
The department now spends almost $2.5 billion a year just to upgrade old public housing projects, replacing boilers and roofs.
The NTC had no funds to replace defective boilers and postponed the repairs until the next year.
Waterwitch was converted for use as a survey vessel, which included replacing her engine and boilers to provide 450 horsepower.
Under the plans, firms will receive loans to replace old boilers, freezers and other pieces of energy hungry equipment, with the cash repaid from the savings made in their monthly energy bills.