In 2008 former White Lion drummer Greg D'Angelo replaced Stevens in the band.
Justin Langer replaced Stevens in November 2012.
"I don't think he'll be back," Scott Niedermayer, who replaced Stevens as captain, said before the playoffs.
Meanwhile, his political power was growing as he became chairman of the Republican state committee in 1859, replacing Stevens.
The trainer Jason Orman could have chosen any of the top riders to replace Stevens, but the decision was made to go with Valenzuela, baggage and all.
Babson-Stewart Ivory International will replace Scudder, Stevens & Clark as adviser to the international portfolios of the funds.
This possibility alarmed many liberals and progressives, who worried that "replacing Stevens with Kagan risks moving the Court to the right, perhaps substantially to the right."
She was replaced by Victoria Kornfield, who was then elected to replace Stevens in November.
At that point, then Operations Manager Sheila Tole replaced Stevens as interim Executive Director.
Green Century Balanced has appointed the Winslow Management Company to replace Scudder, Stevens & Clark, which had been managing the fund.