Brown is often compared to Simms because he replaced Simms as the starter in 1994.
Hostetler has repeatedly said he never had a fair chance to replace Simms under Parcells.
The Giants were 5-0, including 3-0 in the playoffs, after Hostetler replaced Simms as starter.
Parcells said he did not consider replacing Simms during the game.
Jeff Rutledge, who has replaced Simms and done well the last two games, seems likely to start again at quarterback.
Hostetler said he was nervous when he replaced Simms.
One of Parcells first decisions as coach was to replace Simms as the starting quarterback with Brunner.
Simon Cox replaced Simms on drums, but by early 1996 Juice had disbanded.
The senior Major Applewhite, Texas' career passing leader, replaced Simms late in the second quarter to the roar of the crowd.
On the next play, Molander, a rookie quarterback who had replaced Simms, handed off to Hampton on a simple draw.