Earl Hebner replaced Patrick and took over as the official.
The band quickly replaced Patrick with Seattle, WA vocalist Eric Wayne, who helped move the band into a grungier sound.
On Christmas Day 2007, Stuart Scott became the new studio host, replacing Patrick, who left the network.
In 2004, Pat Summerall replaced Patrick for the preseason and for several regular season weeks following Patrick's recovery from open-heart surgery.
By making his deal at that time, he was left out of the speculation about who would take the play-by-play job at NBC or replace Patrick at ESPN.
"There's no amount of money that can replace Patrick," Mr. Sells said.
A second referee, Charles Robinson, replaced Patrick, but after Mysterio kicked out of a second pinning attempt, JBL attacked Robinson.
But it's not just me replacing Patrick.
As far as you look, you're not going to find someone to bring in here to replace Patrick.
Robin Finck replaced Patrick on guitar, while bassist Danny Lohner was added to the line-up.