Her images are stylized figures and faces intertwined with Islamic ornamentation in a repetitive style.
For simple, repetitive styles such as memos, proposals, price lists and books this is a small price to pay given that productivity is improved.
Throughout, a jarringly repetitive style makes one want to call out "editor, editor" instead of "author, author."
Many neighborhoods featuring ranch-style houses are now well-established, with large trees and often with owner modifications that give these sometimes repetitive styles individual character.
He fills out his big-tent scenario with a discursive, repetitive style that leaves you wanting less as well as more.
Other parents use a repetitive style.
It remains famous for its radical repetitive style and instrumentation, as well as its storied history.
Yet the music, which peters out into Mr. Glass's more conventional repetitive modular style, seems to lead the energy nowhere in particular.
Emphasizes a repetitive, hypnotic and trance-like style, often with samples or spoken lines instead of lyrics.
Their eerie, slow, and repetitive style is commonly described as "apocalyptic".