Richard Kerr, a former deputy director at the agency who was interviewed by the committee after reviewing intelligence on Iraq, said administration officials asked repetitive questions.
We are all familiar with this repetitive question that has been going no where for the last 3 years.
Yet, in An Island in the Moon, Blake represents Johnson as "a bookseller without aesthetic values whose repetitive questions reveal his ignorance".
The repetitive questions on Mr. Yeltsin's status as elected leader betrayed the desire to trip up the President on a pretty straightforward response.
He cites annual employee turnover rates of more than 60 percent for call centers at which operators answer repetitive questions.
He added, "I want no repetitive questions" by the defense.
The same autograph-hunting crowds wait for her and the same bland interviewers are at hand to ask the same repetitive questions for TV, radio, newspaper or magazines.
This reduces repetitive questions and provides checks for consistency.
He often asks derisive, confusing or repetitive questions.
Finally he said: "I'm quite concerned about the repetitive questions about what might be construed as an office.