Repeatedly touching the putty to a drawing pulls ever more medium free, gradually lightening the work in a controlled fashion.
They repeatedly touched each other on the arm and shoulder, and smiled or made amused faces at each other's jokes during the program, which was also televised.
For example, if you were obsessed about germs, you would repeatedly touch an object you believe has germs and then not wash your hands afterward.
You may be asked to repeatedly touch your finger to your nose.
Or of repeatedly touching her chin, her nose.
At other times, dancers repeatedly touch the floor with their knuckles while in arabesque.
She said Abigail told her he wore nothing but an undershirt and repeatedly touched her genital area.
As Mr. Meng spoke, he repeatedly touched a red string that he wears around his wrist.
The three other patients got significantly better at such neurological tasks as tapping their feet and repeatedly touching their thumb and forefinger.
Males will also repeatedly touch the exoskeletons of the females with their antennae to detect signs of moulting (ecdysis).