In one scene, he repeatedly throws his body against the walls.
It is only at the end, her body repeatedly thrown to the floor, that she appears to run out of steam.
String theory in particular had that rock thrown at it repeatedly.
Repeatedly thrown back at me was the answer that high winds would make the trip impossible.
For example, suppose an ordinary die is thrown repeatedly until the first time a "1" appears.
Next, a group of people will repeatedly throw stones at the buried person until they are confirmed deceased.
Suppose we repeatedly throw a die, and consider a "1" to be a "failure".
Yet the men of the Legion had held them at bay, repeatedly thrown back only to regroup and strike once more.
In the case of the hospital stay, he became agitated and repeatedly threw faeces at a nurse.
Though their case has been repeatedly thrown out of court, they're unwilling to accept defeat and prepare to execute him.