And the courts have ruled repeatedly that creationism's attachment to religion bars it from being taught in the public schools.
As the courts have repeatedly ruled for environmentalists, it has become highly unlikely that the Government will ever go back to full-scale timber harvesting.
Prosecutors maintain that the Amiraults got fair trials, and the state supreme court has repeatedly ruled against the family.
They have repeatedly ruled that states have to observe Federal conditions if they accept Federal money.
There is no law that specifically prohibits New Jersey public employees from striking, but the courts have repeatedly ruled that such strikes are illegal.
The courts have repeatedly ruled that attending law school is a nondeductible expense because it would qualify the student for a new profession.
Courts have repeatedly ruled that creationism and intelligent design are religious doctrines, not scientific theories.
For the courts have repeatedly ruled that discrimination against waste from other states violates the interstate commerce clause of the American constitution.
The courts have ruled repeatedly that public schools, as arms of government, have certain obligations to provide due process, but that private institutions generally do not.
Courts have repeatedly ruled that such bans are a violation of free speech.