While we initially dismiss this restaurant as a tourist trap, it has been repeatedly recommended by so many people that we decided to risk it.
The following books were recommended repeatedly by Peter Maurin in reading lists appended to his essays.
Repeatedly recommended by reporters.
The commission has repeatedly recommended an age restriction to Congress.
Place Matters has repeatedly recommended that the commission make an inventory of potential cultural landmarks.
Mental health professionals had repeatedly recommended that children and their parents be removed from immigration detention.
The Chalet des 2 Ours is repeatedly recommended for food ('great homemade pasta'), service and views.
In Virginia, where they've been allowed for years in the car pool lanes, the lanes have become so clogged that an advisory committee has repeatedly recommended their banishment.
Neil Stein has given a succession of chefs a stage at his newest place, Avenue B, which was recommended repeatedly.
He had repeatedly recommended that this be created but he had always been overruled, here in Japan, and also in Rome by the General of the Order.