SECURITIES regulators are investigating Wachovia Securities' dismissal of Arturo Cifuentes, a longtime bond analyst who says he was repeatedly pressured to alter his research to suit the firm's investment bankers and its clients, a lawyer for the analyst said yesterday.
In particular, in 1997, lawyers for Abu-Jamal produced an affidavit by Jenkins stating that Ryan had repeatedly pressured her to provide false testimony against Abu-Jamal, and corroborating the testimony of Cynthia White that she had also been coerced into providing false testimony.
Its latest principal is Alexander Koraslov who has been repeatedly pressured by the board to improve school relations, most likely in response to the growing and widely reported situation between the principal and one of Moscow's most infamous and notorious students.
Eager to avoid offending veterans, the White House has repeatedly pressured the Pentagon for more and better information.
The duties of missi, who gradually increased in their number, became merged in the ordinary work of the bishops and counts, and under the emperor Charles the Bald (ruling 843-877), who was repeatedly pressured by bishops to send out missi, they took control of associations for the preservation of the peace.
The cast (most notably David Wain) have repeatedly said that they were not interested in creating recurring characters, but were repeatedly pressured by the network to emulate Saturday Night Live in this manner.
The Obama administration has repeatedly pressured the Israeli government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to freeze the growth of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.
Similar criticism was voiced in respect to Armand Călinescu, who had repeatedly pressured him to accept wearing the uniform.
He was called a fascist and was repeatedly pressured to sign a confession, at one point, with a pistol held against his chest.
According to the Association de soutien à un référendum libre et régulier au Sahara Occidental (ARSO), he was repeatedly pressured and harassed by Moroccan security services after his release.