Prosecutors have repeatedly indicated his trial is imminent, only to delay it further at the last minute.
Vodafone has also repeatedly indicated that it would be willing to buy out Verizon's stake.
And this is something Mr. Castro has repeatedly indicated he will not do.
In the last few days, spokesmen for the Hamas movement have repeatedly indicated that they will express their opposition politically rather than by force.
Mr. Diller has repeatedly indicated that he wants to control a piece of any company with which he is involved.
For months Israeli spokesmen have repeatedly indicated that the government supported the plans but the government has never formally adopted them.
Standing onstage under a portrait of her handsome father, she repeatedly indicates that she forgives him.
Commission members and Governor Cuomo, who set up the commission, have repeatedly indicated that they favor public financing.
He has repeatedly indicated that a major reason for the publication delays was the administration's claim that everyone involved was satisfied with the program's legality.
The fact that he had to issue the orders to stay off the wagons repeatedly indicates that the women weren't paying much attention to the good general.