Urgent with alarm, he repeatedly fought his way back from the brink of true sleep.
He repeatedly fought with guards and other prisoners, but he was released after serving 21 years of a 30-year sentence.
Throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries France and Austria had been enemies, repeatedly fighting wars against each other.
From the late 3rd century on, along with another tribe, the Nobadae, they repeatedly fought the Romans.
In this position, he repeatedly fought major noblemen in the area in the 1356-1366 period.
However, the player can increase a brand's popularity in one district by repeatedly fighting battles in that district while wearing items of that brand.
College basketball players who repeatedly fight during games next season will risk losing their eligibility for the rest of the season under tough measures announced today.
Until three years ago, the owners fought repeatedly over how the bank should be run.
Heumann had to fight repeatedly to be included in the educational system.
Desgrange believed the Tour should be a race of individuals and fought repeatedly with the sponsors, bicycle factories, who saw it otherwise.