She was injured when she repeatedly entered her burning home to save her renowned 35,000-volume library.
Shaoxing County has experienced rapid economic and social development, and repeatedly entered the top ten counties.
But how did he repeatedly enter the United States?
They repeatedly entered into pooling arrangements to prevent competition, bought out competitors, or forced rivals to agree not to compete with them.
The composer made him enter repeatedly against an orchestra sounding appoggiaturas a half-step below his note.
It is also possible to block the user accounts by repeatedly entering wrong passwords in the login.
These officers repeatedly entered a burning three-story 52-unit apartment building to alert and evacuate many of the still sleeping residents.
Mr. Hanssen repeatedly entered his own name into the system to see if he had come under suspicion.
She repeatedly entered drug rehab and psychiatric hospitals.
However, a generator is an object with persistent state, which can repeatedly enter and leave the same scope.