His subjects are repeatedly displayed in a gallery of statuesque figures.
He has repeatedly displayed what many social-service advocates describe as a callousness toward constituencies not his own - the poor.
By the time he reached the White House, he shared fully the deep contempt for Congress that his hero Woodrow Wilson had repeatedly displayed.
Nevertheless, in favorable circumstances and against an unprepared enemy, its great destructive ability and psychological impact could prove decisive, as displayed repeatedly against the Rus'.
These and other body parts were repeatedly displayed for journalists who were driven to the scene by the Ministry of Information.
These and other body parts were repeatedly displayed for journalists who were bussed in by the Syrian ministry of information.
Simply redisplaying the fields may cause judder, particularly on fast moving images, as the image is displayed repeatedly in the same location, rather than moving smoothly.
His repeated pardons showed that Henry could not afford to neglect such a powerful personality, and his military talents were repeatedly displayed.
Members of the Bush family have repeatedly displayed their adeptness at finding ways to capitalize on the fact they are related to the President.
That's certainly been the sort of attitude she's displayed repeatedly since, at any rate.