He smiled, and repeated my comment with satisfaction.
He also repeated Jing's comment that the side of the moon not illuminated by the Sun was left in darkness.
Mr. Bush said nothing today about the debate over liability issues other than to repeat his often used comment ridiculing lawyers and terrorists.
My offer is still open to both of you," she said before repeating Attaroa's comment.
Emery put the horn to his ear and Jules repeated her comment with a great deal of amusement.
She repeated her comment, more loudly this time.
Lever roared, then turned to his friends and repeated Kim's comment.
Mr. Muhammad repeated his comment to a newspaper reporter after he left the radio station.
The cop again said that smoking was not allowed in the subway, and Morgenbesser repeated his comment.
"Something smells good," she heard Jake say unconsciously repeating Richard's comment.