But however much I repeated such facts to myself, they gave me but superficial consolations.
She merely repeated facts which he already knew, as though he were some dull-witted youngling who should have been spotted by the eugenic courts.
Randolph merely repeated facts which Mann had already read in the newspapers.
The Shadow repeated terse facts that Burbank, too, had heard from Harry.
Lord Lawson has repeated several 'facts' that are demonstrably innaccurate.
Excuse me if I repeat certain facts over and over again because people have to understand the reason why justice and personal and tribal rights are not respected in Somaliland.
Looking across the lobby, he repeated certain facts; "Jeremiah Benson - stay with Mayo - WNX at six or nine -" Nodding, Stuart again glanced at the letter.
She still maintained that book-smart ability to repeat facts (like the merger cases) and shows a command of medical situations.
To prepare, he repeats facts out loud as he reads the newspaper, and everything becomes must-know information, even must-see TV.
These publications repeated fragmentary and scarce facts from Eufemiusz Herman's classic monograph about Polish neurologists.