It was then Sussia repeated aloud what had been something of my own thinking on the subject.
"I could never ask that of you," he repeated aloud.
"You have seen his face," Kelson repeated aloud, trying to buy a little time.
Marie seemed obsessed with one thought, which she kept repeating aloud: "We were not told.
"But why should they want to repeat aloud what they receive telepathically?"
Perhaps at her audacity in repeating aloud what he had whispered to her.
"It's a trap," Alfred repeated aloud, without being truly conscious of what he was saying.
In selective attention experiments, the participants may be asked to repeat aloud the content of the message they are listening to.
"I guess we'll know soon enough," he repeated aloud.
"You haven't the power to break the perimeter at Hesed," he repeated aloud.