No matter what the repayment terms or the rate of interest (which students currently don't pay), it's still money owed.
The very poor African countries also owe foreign commercial banks about $6 billion, on which repayment terms have already been eased.
The result is a longer repayment term than in Example 1.
Unlike existing plans, the new program requires students to pay full interest charges but offers more flexible repayment terms.
The plan charges no interest while students are in school and 5 percent for the 10-year repayment term after graduation.
The remainder would agree to their repayment terms when they borrowed the money.
And he wants the repayment terms to be affordable, even for graduates who end up with modest incomes.
The lack of explicit repayment terms later led to litigation.
Select a source of financing that provides the capital you need and also has repayment terms to suit your growth.
Argentina is still talking about repayment terms for its $7.5 billion of past-due interest.