As the Bush Administration gingerly moves to repair economic ties with China, the World Bank seems likely to resume lending programs soon.
In Seoul, several moves were under way to repair ties with the United States.
One of the inner circle's recommendations, that official said, was that Mr. Annan work hard to repair ties with Washington.
Mr. Schröder's statements seemed clearly intended to repair ties between two important allies.
He seeks to repair political and economic ties that have frayed in recent years.
As part of his new duties, General Schoomaker is repairing ties with the Pentagon's civilian leaders.
His choice was seen as an attempt by the leadership to repair ties with the Church and to become more pragmatic and moderate.
Jubilant New Party leaders pledged to take the initiative in repairing badly damaged ties with China.
Officials pledged to repair ties with Greece, curb human rights abuses and launch ambitious privatization and inflation-fighting programs.
The new Iraqi government has sought to repair ties with Iran and end tensions that peaked during the Iran-Iraq war from 1980 to 1988.