Aamco Transmissions Inc. has begun searching for an agency to create campaigns for its more than 700 franchised automotive repair stores in North America.
Similarly, the Harris brothers ran a mechanical repair store for farming equipment and personal vehicles, another essential service for the small farming community.
As a last resort, take the tool to a repair store.
Who later finds out the truth from her phone when he takes it to a repair store.
In the meantime, the Blob consumes a mechanic at a repair store.
Worn machine parts and unused repair stores and defective bits and pieces: the rounding errors of mass production.
Omar visits Proposition Joe at his electrical repair store with weapons drawn.
His compact display is one of a handful built by Lionel in the early 1950's and lent to authorized repair stores around the country for window display.
He also worked for several years as an electronics technician for a local audio-video repair store.
The used-car lot and the service department, long big moneymakers, are facing fresh competition from superstore used-car chains and specialized repair stores.