Officials will ask voters to approve the largest bond issue in San Francisco history, $334.4 million, for repairing buildings and pipelines damaged by the Oct. 17 earthquake.
The Kellogg Brown & Root contract was awarded without any competition and includes a wide array of tasks, from repairing pipelines to replacing tools and equipment.
Shortly after the hurricane made landfall, Mexico's natural disaster fund provided $1.45 million in aid to repair pipelines, highways, and buildings.
The applications of hyperbaric welding are diverse-it is often used to repair ships, offshore oil platforms, and pipelines.
A cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) is one of several trenchless rehabilitation methods used to repair existing pipelines.
Iraq says it cannot meet the expanded $5.2 billion in sales permitted every six months by the Security Council unless it can repair its oil wells and pipelines.
It took until February to repair underwater pipelines and drilling platforms and bring production back to normal levels.
Repairing damaged pipelines.
Iraq War: Officials postpone awarding two contracts to repair Iraq's oil refineries and pipelines (primarily because of sabotage and dilapidated conditions).
Those assets may be out of commission for months while the industry scrambles to repair battered platforms and underwater pipelines.