He hauled up Flydd, who was carrying a repair patch - a square of canvas coated in sticky tar.
The synthetic material Dacron is also used to create a repair patch.
Then, a repair patch, some 1.25 m long, was manufactured with similar rabbets so both parts would perfectly match.
How would you manage, for example, if your space suit developed a slow leak in the small of the back and you couldn't put on a repair patch?
An injured Boerth tells Ritter the bomb is in the repair patch of gas cell 4.
Then he poked at a hole where an old repair patch had fallen off.
Thomas took one of the flat, flexible repair patches from his side pouch.
She watched the lean man carefully, noting a repair patch on the gray collar of his dress tunic, and the strong line of his sandy-bearded jaw.
The company released a statement, stating they expected to deliver a repair patch to affected users by Monday, July 31, 2006.
Vosnesensky whirled and saw dozens of the lightweight repair patches lifting off the floor to be sucked up against the wall of the dome.