His brother Ben owned a music store in which Vito began repairing instruments as a teenager.
There are men,' said Cadfael then mildly, 'who understand such arts as repairing instruments of music.
The team repaired broken instruments and developed new devices at the physicians requests.
Members of the Society also repair donated instruments which are then loaned to local children whose parents can't afford to buy them.
Kern made organs using traditional techniques, as well as repairing historically valuable instruments.
Students have found work repairing instruments, recording and other areas, Mr. Cohen said.
Wrona continued working for more than 30 years, making violins and occasionally repairing instruments.
Horrebow was given a special grant from the government to repair the observatory and instruments.
Lyon & Healy also repaired instruments and evidently offered engraving services.
Shuttle missions returned 5 times to repair and improve cameras and scientific instruments on the telescope.