Company officials say they have spent millions of dollars repairing roofs, boilers, bathrooms and hallways in several buildings, including some Acorn has complained about.
It also had a workshop for repairing and building boilers.
Ridiculing Washington's own school system, he said it spent $9,000 a year per pupil but had too many bureaucrats to teach them well or even to attend to maintenance like repairing boilers and roofs.
A factory for repairing boilers was founded at Sling in 1942, and was still operating in the late 1960s when it also made machine tools and employed around 150 people.
The company had a $16 million contract to repair boilers in schools in Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx.
She remained there repairing her storm-damaged pumps and boilers until standing out on 27 April 1866 for Callao, Peru.
From its language, one can just as easily imagine bond money being used to purchase computers in Scarsdale or repair boilers in Buffalo as to build classroom space in Queens.
Milo has been reduced to repairing boilers at the university, where he is trying to attract the attention of the teaching staff.
And though he went back to work shortly after his second heart attack - remembering his own father's decades-old lesson that providing for family is a man's primary responsibility - Mr. White could not do the heavy lifting involved in cleaning and repairing boilers.