On January 2010, Bishop Leonardo Y. Medroso announced that the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary High School Department is set to reopen sometime in June 2010.
The refit is expected to be completed and the studio fully reopened sometime in 2012.
The restaurant Flowers, at 21 West 17th Street, will reopen its 80-seat rooftop dining room on Tuesday, and the Bryant Park Grill roof will reopen sometime in April.
The parkway was expected to reopen sometime today, said Tom Cocola, a spokesman for the Transportation Department.
We are told that the restaurant will reopen sometime in November, under new management and a new name, Eclipse.
Restaurant owners acknowledge that it is going to be an uphill battle until schools reopen sometime after the end of this year, and more workers and their families return.
It is currently closed for tours but is expected to reopen sometime in 2012.
It is hoped this line will reopen sometime in the future.
Moved from nearby Convent Ave with a plan to reopen sometime in 2011 is what was, once upon a time, founding-father Alexander Hamilton's original, Federal-style country retreat.
The Statue of Liberty, which has been closed to tourists since the Sept. 11 attacks, is scheduled to reopen sometime in July, though the crown will remain closed; Liberty Island itself is open to tourists.