There were "landowner-tenant disputes over high interest rates, loans, rent payments, and sharing agricultural expenses sometimes led to evictions."
The gringa is expected to perform menial labor so her captor (s) can make car and rent payments.
The only deductions for income taxes would be for charitable contributions and for mortgage or rent payments.
In that case, rent payments could not meet monthly interest payments and maintenance costs, projects would fall into default and back into Government hands.
Airport costs, which include landing fees and rent payments, generally make up 5 percent of an airline's operating expenses.
Some teachers fell behind in their mortgage and rent payments, others face late charges on unpaid bills.
Frequently, computer errors or careless caseworkers cause parents to be cut off from food stamps, Medicaid, rent payments and cash assistance.
Such employees are allowed to receive money only from interest, dividends and rent payments.
The most common is a default on mortgage or rent payments.
Financial assistance may be directed to rent or mortgage payments, utilities, food, gas and transportation, medical insurance premiums, prescriptions or limited treatment.