I added, "You couldn't rent comparable housing for less than twenty thousand a year around here."
One program helps low- to moderate-income people rent housing.
The policy may include inventory, or this can be bought as a separate policy, especially for people who rent housing.
Provides rental assistance to low income county residents using a voucher system for renting suitable housing.
Foreigners weren't allowed to hire people directly, or rent housing or offices from them, and were constantly watched.
Travelers who intend to rent or purchase long-term housing in Venezuela should choose structures designed for earthquake resistance.
Poor people already receive vouchers to help them rent decent housing.
The farm where they worked is far from any town where they could rent housing.
The President can provide financial assistance to be used for individuals wishing to rent alternate housing during a time of emergency.
Once there, they have access to rent assistance programs and low-income housing.